The history of Frigerio Viaggi Group is a dream-long history! It is full of enthusiasm for a job carried out with passion and diligence by three generations, that were able to grow, step by step, and create companies made of people, with whom they shared and still share their values, like professionalism, reliability, engagement. These companies were all established, each at its own time, as a concrete response to real needs. Intensely living today, keeping an eye onto yesterday, so to wisely build tomorrow.
Frigerio Viaggi Group
Frigerio Viaggi Group today includes 3 companies, all reporting to the Frigerio family: – Frigerio Ugo & C., founded in 1946, is the parent company of the group, dealing with transports. Certified ISO 9001: 2008, it has a very modern and complete car and bus fleet. – Frigerio Viaggi Sr, founded in 1974, is the company dealing with travels and tourism and has 10 own agencies. Certified ISO 9001: 2008, it has the widest and most comprehensive range of tourist services in the industry. – Frigerio Viaggi Network Srl, founded in 1999, is the company taking care of the tourist distribution in franchising, gathering together dozen of agencies throughout Italy.